So we finally got a view of those normal days that I've been waiting for, and I gotta tell ya that I'm a bit dissapointed. When I think of normal that's exactly what I expect, instead every day has featured something out of the ordinary (not normal) and not only that, but even the "regular" camp days are pretty exhausting.
Bochurim studiously taking a test |
Where do I even begin? There is the fact that we had learnt 2.5 blott gemara and played 6 full-on games of sports (5 game win streak...just saying) before it was even Wednesday. Or the two trips to the Olympic sized pool. Or maybe its keday to mention the reality game show trivia game deluxe extravaganza that we had Tuesday night.
I'm lost. Before I even have time to dry my laundry (see pics for detailed description of the Israeli laundry experience) someone is calling me to go out for some surprise mivtza reward or to play another game of basketball. And lets not even start with the learning, you would think that a place with this much time devoted to learning would at least stop at some point, but the learning truly never ends (except during breaks). Every single night and even sometimes during the day (don't tell my captain) you will find bochurim learning for something other than their learning classes, whether it be Seder rambam Seder Sichos or Mivtza Torah the zal is always filled with a kol torah.
So we've got learning, sports, special mivtza lunches, super delux game shows, and swimming am I forgetting anything... Oh yes the late night birthday farbrengens. As was previously mentioined we had 3 birthdays the other day, which lead to 3 late night farbrengens with our מגידי שיעורים and counselors (sometimes even by the same farbrengen). They were all nice (at least the one I was invited to) its nice to stay up late every once in a while, who needs lights out?
The point is that these people need a real lesson in the meaning of R&R (relax and relaxation in case you did't know). We finally have a break from the crazy trips so they have to make ישיבת קיץ crazy as well. I've got to end this now before my learning teacher shoots me (he would probably miss but that's besides the point). Have a great day (or night wherever you may be). Until next time.
P.S. I f you find out if the שבת ירושלים rumors are true please tell me know, no one is giving a straight answer.