I know it's a bit late to write about something that happened this past shabbos, its just that at the time it didn't really seem like such a big deal (it kinda felt like another attempt to fill up a long shabbos).
Group photo of the entire team קובץ יגדיל תורה by the scenic overlook |
Basically as part of our ongoing series of educational shabbos activities, our dedicated מגידי שיעורים (learning teachers) arranged a competition to act out select halachos. They pretty much chose standard halachic situations and had each team (split according to the sports teams) make a skit depicting that situation. Some of them were pretty interesting actually, like that one about the bracho for rice (I always thought you needed to make 3 brachos for rice, apparently its not so simple).
We had a lot of fun and all but I never expected to actually get something for winning, let alone something so big. This afternoon for lunch our entire team (קובץ יגדיל תורה) was treated to a legit Israeli falafel buffet with balloons and all. It was pretty cool especially since we enjoyed the whole thing overlooking the scenic view of the entire Tzfat and the Kineret (its right down the road but that's besides the point). Definitely a very pleasant surprise, couldn't think of anything better to do with a Monday afternoon. Doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to finish writing about the rest of the day's activities (If I don't get out of the מנהל כללי {director's} office soon who knows what'll happen?) so I'm going to leave you all hanging until I have a spare minute or two. Have a great day. Enjoy the pics...
"Where are the pickles??!!" |
"We get pretzels and they get falafel...that sounds fair" |
"If you help me move this table you can have one too" |
That was definitely worth it |
So many choices... |
"So can I eat now?" |
His falafel is definitely bigger |
So you took my pickles? |
The other group photo |
Check out that view |