This motzi shabbos we played a very unique (embarrassing) game which was coordinated by our tiera counselors. They played recorded conversations with our parents (thankfully not mine) asking them a variety of embarrassing questions, definitely a good laugh.
The worst part was when they called up the bochur in front of the entire ישיבת קיץ and asked him the same questions before playing the recording, boy were there some memorable responses. One parent even said that she thought her son was likely to get lost, seriously who says that? It was really a fun activity, my only concern is about the מנהל פועל (Head Counselor), I heard a shmua that they called his mother, apparently they ran out of time (smells like a conspiracy to me). Not really sure what the next trip is but I would hate to miss any time. Better get to bed before the counselor comes. Have a good night.
"I hope they don't call on me" |
"On a scale of 1-10 how likely are you to get lost?" |
"I can't believe she said I'm gonna be an astronaut" |
"LOL an Astronaut!" |