As a grand reward to all those (26 people l'erech) who successfully (85% and above) completed 4 blatt gemara, there was super deluxe jeeping expedition.
We went up and about, to and fro, and every which way in between. These jeeps were pashut like real deal pieces of equipment taken from military fighting zones. While the learning was tough, and the testers were tougher, the terrain was tougher than everything put together times 8.
The trip lasted an hour and a half, and in that time my face successfully froze into a permanent smile (my cheeks will never be the same). Only time will tell if I actually get to finish the masechta (with all of these trips piled together they aren't giving us too much of a chance), but for now I can definitely say that it was worth it.
There was not a night that went by where you wouldn't find a few bochurim in zal pouring over a blatt gemara. This is even more impressive given the crazy packed schedule that we are dealt with. I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong, its just all I'm saying is that the guys who participated in this endeavor deserve a big pat on the back. The amount of learning we do in a day would put most bochurim (not the צעירי השלוחים ones) to shame. When you add on the additional 10+ blatt for mivtza torah it is quite a feat. The point is that mivtza torah was a tremendous success, and everyone involved deserves a lot of credit.
Good shabbos friends.
*Sorry for the blog stoppage, but with the grand trip and crazy flight (I think next time I'll pay the extra $50 vs a 36 hr stopover in Jordan) it was hard to put stuff out. But don't worry because we will have plenty of content brought to you all within the next few days.
The jeeps pulling in |
Getting in the jeeps |
The Jeep captains also play basketball |
"Can you see the jeep in the back?" |
Explaining how to behave in an Israeli Ultimate Jeep |
"Is my hat gonna fall off?" |
"That guy has funny hair" |
Learning for mivtza torah |
That was indeed a great trip |
Photo Bomb!! |
Wow it looks like such a cool trip. I wish I did the mivtza. Other wise the summer was boss #beast!!
Where is shalom Katz, he was involved in mivtza torah and he loves jeeping
I actually heard that he doesn't like Jeeping that much, its true. The real reason he wasn't there was bec he was drinking Turkish coffee. Lol ;)
I'm pretty sure he was just teaching girsa. Which is not a stira to Turkish coffee just saying
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