Getting ready for a successful day of Mivtzoim |
Over these last several days we had the oppurtunity to visit local shops and businesses (for mivtzoim of course), as well as a visit to the Arizal's קבר and mikvah. This was all in addition to the special oppurtunity to have our friends and relatives visit us on Sunday.
No sooner did they finish cleaning up from color war were we surprised with yet another activity: Mivtzoim.
The entire ישיבת קיץ was split into groups of 10-14 people and sent to different locations in the surrounding area to do mivtzoim. Mivtzoim in israel is very different than every other place in the world. Instead of searching for the yidden, you are looking for the select yidden who didn't yet put on תפילין. Some groups were more successful than others (20 תפילין and 5 karkaftas..just saying), but as far as I know everybody had a unique Israeli mivtzoim experience. Now to place number two: The Arizal's mikva and kaver in honor of his yartzeit.
The mikva was actually not so bad, it was nice to take a cold plunge after roaming around the hot streets of צפת. They definitely could have chosen a less packed day (15 minute wait just to get inside of the mikvah), but once you are doing it...do it right. We then went to the kaver to say some תהלים and a little bit of משניות, then it was time to get back to ישיבה in time for shabbos.
The first thing on my list was to take an immediate shower in order to insure that the Arizal's mikva (along with half of Israel) doesn't stay with me forever. Right before shabbos they passed around voting ballots for us to fill in for the grand All Star game. I hope I get enough votes.
Shabbos began with yet another surprise: seder niggunim by the scenic overlook. It was a bit longer of a walk than I had expected, but the view and the atmosphere was definitely worth it. We must of stayed for at least half an hour (but with the soothing voice of our בעל מנגן it felt like a mere 30 seconds), and then we went back for davening and the Shabbos seuda. Shabbos day was filled with mamarim, davening, food and various shabbos clubs. The clubs are basically (ways to pass time) different oppurtunities for us to spend our shabbos afternoon based on what we personally choose. The options varied from niggunim club, farbrengen club, story club, and mystery club (the best one). After the club sessions we finished off with a grand debate featuring everything from pens vs pencils, to capitalism vs socialism. Now time for the All Star game.
The game of choice was hockey, and the players were of the top caliber (I pashut didn't play becuase my stomache hurt). It was a close game and at times a rough game, but the עיקר is that everyone had fun and shook hands afterwards. After the game we were invited to the dining room for Melave Malka featuring delicious Israeli pizza. Time to go to sleep to get energized for visiting day.
Visiting day. While some of us actually got real visitors, the rest of us were given the afternoon off to eat lunch and tour, and of course do more mivtzoim. We split up into groups of 6-8, chose a staff member and hiked to the midge. Some people ate falfal, some ate shakshuka, why did we get stuck with pizza (according to my calculations if I eat another slice of pizza this week I will be in a perpetual state of milchigness). From there we had time to tour, buy authentic צפת souvenirs, and b'chlal get to know the city a little. When we finally got back to ישיבה there was a staff vs bochurim soccer game (if can call it a game) followed by supper.
Topping off everything was an amazing presentation on mivtza tefillin ( in conjunction with The 6 Day War), and rabbenu tam teffillin by our beloved magid shiur Mendel Weinbaum. It was really informative and thought provoking. It was centered around The Rebbe bringing out mivtza תפילין, the chassisim's response to the mivtza, as well as the negative reactions, in addition to some beautiful stories . Two thumbs up Mendel Weinbaum, well done.
Have an easy fast and a meaningful Tisha B'av everyone.
Our Maged Shiur doing mivtzoim |
What was I gonna say... |
Why don't you put up pictures of bochurim doing mivtzoim? |
Bochurim doing mivtzoim |
Don't you ever put up another blurry picture of me again... |
"You should probably listen to him" |
Yummy Ice Cream |
"I want Ice Cream!!" |
The fans |
The players |
That's our goalie |
I'm ready |
He thinks he's ready |
I hope we have pizza tonight |
The announcers |
Trying to catch a foul ball |
The camera man |
"I think we scored" |
"It looks like a goal" |
"Goal!!!!!" |
They are now up by 2 goals |
His camera is way too close to me right now |
Ya think... |
Watching in PJs |
The coach |
Making sure the dining room is fit for yeshiva bochurim |
"Why don't you go outside...we are in the middle of something important?" |
He got you good.. |
"Can you please write a funny caption or something?" |
Give me a second |
Now take a picture |
On top of The מצודה (The citadel) |
What a view |
In a cave |
Ok... no one told me it was gonna be a dark cave |
Hiking to the midge |
More people hiking |
Pizza place |
What a selfie |
Weapons and Puppies (again) |
Here is the free money |
Also here |
The falafal place on the kikar (lucky) |
The presentation |
The presentation with Mendel Weinbaum on the side |
Taking a nap after a hard day's work |
You thought I was actually sleeping |